French Classes & Education — Adults / Young Adults Group Classes & Private Tuition — Online & On-Premise Courses
with La parenthèse
(French language school / Franse taAlschool)
We offer you…
Small Groups are an ideal way to get maximum individual attention and maximum opportunities to speak French in a team at the same time. They’re designed around simulated social situations, and focus on the oral skills you’re likely to need every day.
Small Groups are also perfect for colleagues, families, couples and friends looking to learn French together in an intimate setting.
The first part of the lesson consists of a free exchange or an exchange between the students and the teacher on the theme of the lesson (based on texts or audio or video documents found by the teacher on French public radio or video platforms). The second part of the lesson focuses on the grammar and vocabulary of the topic. During the lesson, the teacher will systematically correct you and refine your pronunciation.
Individual French language training is the best way to learn French catered to your personality, your interests, your learning style and your language objectives. It's a tailor-made lesson: you get our full attention, and you can learn at your own pace and in your own way.
Our mission is to help you achieve your goals in an efficient and enjoyable way, but we will encourage you as much as possible to exceed them :)
This course is ideal for those who :
needs to focus on a particular area,
needs an accelerated program to achieve their goals,
might be shy or nervous about participating in a group,
want undivided attention.
Tailor-made like private lessons, SEMI-PRIVATE French lessons are also available if you are two students at the same level, having the same objectives, and having registered together in order to take Semi-Private lessons.
If you can't travel to France to improve to improve your fluency and comprehension fast, practice French conversation with us.
During the French conversation lessons, we read articles, watch videos, discuss interesting topics and debate current issues.
You learn new words and expressions, and improve your French pronunciation. In the end, you understand native speakers better.
This course is particularly recommended for intermediate and advanced levels.
4 — FRENCH COURSES - MOTHER TONGUE (primary & secondary school).
This class is open to French-speaking children or teenagers who are not/no longer in the French school system.
The objective is, for the youngest, to read and write well in French and, for the others, to improve written and oral expression and to cover — with the help of newspapers and magazines — the main themes of the French language and culture.
Aide aux devoirs, rattrapage scolaire ou préparation aux examens
Le tutorat vise à redonner confiance à l’élève et, ainsi, à l’aider à surmonter ses difficultés et à améliorer ses résultats scolaires. Dans cette perspective, LP l’aide à :
s’organiser dans son travail scolaire, à retravailler les notions non comprises, à consolider la matière vue en classe et à faire ses devoirs
trouver la bonne méthode de travail pour acquérir les connaissances nécessaires à la réussite de ses cours (de géographie, d’histoire, de français…) et ce, peu importe son niveau scolaire
éveiller sa curiosité pour comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons et ce, à petite et à grande échelle — sur la base d’articles, de films et de documentaires.
Un carnet Tutorat complété par l’équipe pédagogique permet de suivre la progression de l’élève sur la semaine.
tutorat pour ÉTUDIANTs EN LIGNE.
6 — le CAFÉ-LITTÉRAIRE (1 livre & 1 rendez-vous MENSUEL).
Depuis 2015, ce club est ouvert à tous ceux qui souhaitent entretenir leur français en parlant de leur lecture avec d'autres passionnés dans une atmosphère dynamique et conviviale.
Chaque mois, nous découvrons de nouvelles œuvres littéraires en lisant un ou deux livres en français lus en commun et partageons nos coups de cœur et nos dernières lectures.
Our Approach.
We focus on improving your speaking skills, developing your vocabulary and expressions, ready to be used in your daily and professional life.
Whenever you want
Between 7am and 9pm every day of the week.
Wherever you want
At home, at your workplace, at La Parenthèse or at a location of your choice in The Hague.
As often as you like
From a single private French lesson to an ongoing programme, we can accommodate you. You can also combine lessons with our small group courses.
Adresse :
Douzastraat 18. 2581RX Den Haag
Heures d’ouverture
Du lundi au samedi
De 08 h 00 à 19 h 00
SMS / Signal
+31 6 43 50 35 05